Let’s ensure no one goes without this winter

When you Lend a Hoping Hand this winter, your contribution directly benefits vital programs where our neighbors can access food, shelter, and warmth. During a time of great need, your support alleviates the stress of cutting back for families so they can focus on what matters most – each other. 



Lend a hoping hand with a monetary gift, supporting our neighbors in obtaining shelter, heating their homes, and feeding their families.


Food Drives

As demand increases during the holidays, starting a food drive is a fun way to bring your community together while also alleviating food insecurity. 


Fund Drives

By starting an online fundraiser, your friends, family, and coworkers can all take part in raising critical funds during a time of great need – no matter where you live. 

About the Campaign

With Lend a Hoping Hand, Hopelink galvanizes community support to bolster services for families and individuals experiencing poverty during the winter. 

Monetary contributions, through direct gifts or fund drives, fuel services that help people maintain or obtain warm shelter and also cover emergency costs. Additionally, financial gifts, as well as food drives and food donations, help us keep the shelves of Hopelink’s five no-cost Food Markets stocked with nutritious, culturally relevant foods all winter long so families may keep up with their seasonal traditions. 

However you choose to contribute, your gift directly benefits Hopelink services. Will you help us ensure no one goes without this winter? 

Could you use some support this winter? Click here to explore and connect with Hopelink services. 

Thank you to our partners

Mt. Hood


Mt. Si

Partner Logo Microsoft

Mt. Adams


Mt. St. Helens

Partner Logo PSE