2024 Holiday Assistance Resources

Details: During the November and December holiday season, Hopelink’s five Food Markets offer a variety of special seasonal foods for households. Such foods include squashes and pumpkins, spices, stuffing mixes, fresh cranberries, baking supplies, and protein options as funding allows.
Hams for the Holidays
Date: Thursday, December 19, 12 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Details: Commencement Bank, in partnership with Nourish Pierce County and the Tacoma Dome, provides free holiday hams to families in need. Arrive during event hours to receive a ham for your holiday meal.
Forgotten Children’s Fund
Email: forgottenchildrensfund@gmail.com
Details: Provides gifts, warm coats, toys, blankets, and food to families who don’t qualify for other assistance programs. Serves King, Pierce, Lewis, Chelan, and North Sound counties. Applications are available online.
United Methodist in Kirkland
(Carols and Cocoa Event)
Contact: office@lakewaumc.org
Phone: (425)-885-3311
Date: December 21, 3 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Details: Celebrate the spirit of Christmas through songs, skits, music, and food. Everyone is invited to perform a song, poem, or play a musical instrument either solo or with friends and family. Register to perform: Event Registration. Enjoy hot chocolate, desserts, and marshmallows after the performances. Take photos with Santa and participate in community activities.
Snoqualmie Kiwanis
(Giving Tree)
Location: Snoqualmie Valley Food Bank, 122 E 3rd St, North Bend, WA 98045
Eligibility: Families in Snoqualmie, Preston, Fall City, and North Bend enrolled in the Snoqualmie Valley Food Bank. Families can also sign up through school counselors.
Additional Information: Kiwanis continues to collect gifts until the end of the year. If you miss the shopping event at the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints, contact Harold at (425)-698-3180 to schedule a time to choose gifts for your family.
USPS Operation Santa
Details: Children can write letters to Santa, and some letters receive responses and gifts from volunteers. Letters must be postmarked by December 11. Tips and instructions are available on the website.
Salvation Army
(Angel Tree)
Details: Offers gifts and clothing for children and seniors in need. Applications are available online.
King County Toys for Tots
Details: Toys for Tots distributes toys, books, and stocking stuffers to children in need. This year, toys will be available only through nonprofit organizations. A list of approved organizations is available via the website.
Lake Washington School District
(Holiday Gift Program)
Details: Families within the Lake Washington School District can sign up for holiday gifts through school counselors.
Eastridge Church
(Issaquah Campus)
Location: 24205 SE Issaquah-Fall City Rd., Issaquah, WA 98029
Phone: (425)-392-3253
Details: Eastridge Church offers a Turkey & Groceries Giveaway (while supplies last) and a Toy House for families in need. To sign up for the Toy House, families must attend either the West Seattle or Issaquah Turkey Giveaway.
Mercer Island Youth and Family Services
(Holiday Food and Gift Program)
Location: 2040 84th Ave SE, Mercer Island, WA 98040
Phone: (206)-275-7869
Details: Provides holiday gift assistance with an estimated $25,000 in gift cards if funding goals are met. Contact them directly for more information.
University District Food Bank
(Holiday Gift Program)
Location: 5017 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105
Phone: (206)-523-7060
Details: The Holiday Gift Program combines food boxes with holiday gifts for children under 18.
Catholic Community Services
(Annual Holiday Gift Shop)
Location: 4250 S. Mead St., St. Edwards Parish, Seattle, WA 98118
Phone: (206)-445-5669
Details: The Holiday Gift Shop is for low-income families with pregnant women and children (under age 18 or newborns). The program offers toys and Christmas gifts for qualifying families.
Christmas House
(Snohomish County)
Details: Serves low-income families with children under 18. Eligibility requires Snohomish County residency and a household income below 150% of the federal poverty level. Check the website for detailed guidelines.
211 Holiday Programs
Phone: 211
Details: Offers a comprehensive list of holiday assistance programs. Call or search the website for Holiday Gifts/Toys.
If you have additional resources or corrections, please contact us and select “other” as the subject line.